North Country Run
Location Manistee Park Start Time 8/25/2012 8:46:06 AM
Category Half Marathon
Distance 14.01 miles Ascend 1,235 feet Descend -1,213 feet
Total Time 02:48:42 Moving 02:46:44 Stopped 00:01:58
Average Pace 00:12:02 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:08:38 min/mi Slowest Pace 01:41:57 min/mi
Calories 1789 Average HR N/A Max HR N/A
Weather 78 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 72.0 °F/84.9 °F; Pressure: 1016.5 mbar; Humidity: 58.6%; Dew point: 62.4 °F; Wind Speed: 1.9 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Garmin - FR 305
Brooks - Pure Grit
Notes 50 Mile, Full Marathon, Half marathon options. I ran the half. Hot! Hilly! Great swag for signing up early. Jacket, shorts, nice shirt and a huge medal.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:09:07 00:09:07 00:09:08 6.6 -12.10
2.00 00:19:35 00:10:27 00:10:28 5.7 103.26
3.00 00:31:47 00:12:12 00:12:12 4.9 156.21
4.00 00:42:32 00:10:44 00:10:45 5.6 -147.97
5.00 00:53:58 00:11:25 00:11:26 5.2 -19.62
6.00 01:06:46 00:12:47 00:12:48 4.7 106.28
7.00 01:18:22 00:11:36 00:11:36 5.2 -156.79
8.00 01:30:43 00:12:20 00:12:21 4.9 95.77
9.00 01:44:20 00:13:37 00:13:37 4.4 11.51
10.00 01:57:55 00:13:35 00:13:35 4.4 31.90
11.00 02:10:48 00:12:52 00:12:53 4.7 28.28
12.00 02:24:02 00:13:14 00:13:14 4.5 12.53
13.00 02:37:37 00:13:34 00:13:35 4.4 -13.64
14.00 02:48:38 00:11:00 00:11:01 5.4 -173.75
14.01 02:48:42 00:00:03 00:10:57 5.5 1.42